New Energy Fact Book Released

New Energy Fact Book Released

BCSE and BloombergNEF New Energy Finance Release Sustainable Energy in America 2025 Fact Book It’s perhaps the best, single, authoritative source on sustainable energy—filled with facts and charts.  My clients need to have the facts about energy and market trends to run their businesses.  Cutting through the static to find the facts is  even more important…


Morgan Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center 

Morgan Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center Intellectual Property Protection Flyer Best-selling author and legal expert, David J. Muchow, highlights what entrepreneurs need to know about intellectual property. Protect Your Intellectual Property! Morgan Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center Scan the QR code or Click the link below to register for the event. #DavidMuchow #Author #Attorney #7SecretKeys #Startup…


Shepherdstown spot highlighted in best seller

Originally posted at: Journal photo by Toni Milbourne SHEPHERDSTOWN — Author David Muchow was so fascinated with Shepherdstown when he visited the small town that he incorporated it into his book “The 7 Secret Keys to Startup Success.” While the book is a best-selling entrepreneurship nonfiction work, Muchow cleverly folds in an exciting fictional…


Kirkus Reviews (Starred)

The 7 Secret Keys To Startup Success: What You Need To Know To Win By David Muchow | Kirkus Reviews (Starred)  Kirkus’ Quick Review Verdict: “Get it.” Detailed Review: An expert offers a comprehensive overview of how to achieve startup success. “This is not your uncle’s or aunt’s business book,” writes startup veteran Muchow…


What’s the Best Startup & Business Book?

Forget the hype! There are objective ways to identify the best book for startups and growing businesses. The key is the author’s breath of experience and qualifications. You can’t learn more from the author than the author knows! Here are some criteria to consider. Has the author: Been an officer of a public company or…

Amazon Best Seller

Amazon Best Seller #2 in Starting a Business eBooks #3 in Business Communications (Kindle Store) #4 in Decision-Making & Problem Solving #2 in Starting a Business (Kindle Store) #10 in Startups #14 in Business Communication Skills  Order today: This unique guide, which focuses on both the business and legal aspects of startups, is a must-have for every aspiring entrepreneur, small business owner, startup…

Plug and Play’s Tech Center

Plug and Play’s Tech Center

Plug and Play’s Tech Center, Smart Cities, Hosts Corporate Law Expert David Muchow on “The 10 Killer Mistakes that Startups Make”  Plug and Play, the ultimate innovation platform, connects the best technology with major corporations. Corporate law and startup expert, David Muchow, recently presented a web program for it on “The 10 Killer Mistakes That…


Legal Counsel & Associate Producer

Muchowlaw is Legal Counsel & Associate Producer to the PBS Film, “When My Time Comes,” with NPR’s Diane Rehm  “When My Time Comes” is a new PBS film released in April, 2021. In it, NPR’s award winning reporter, Diane Rehm, investigates the controversial national movement known as medical aid in dying. This is a balanced…